Ilan Pappe am 15. Dezember 2011 in Berlin

The Secular Dimensions of the Zionist Project in Palestine: A Historical Review

Einführende Worte von Antía Mato Bouzas, ZMO (Audio)

This lecture will present two dimensions that affected most the Zionist movement and later on the state of Israel ever since the late 19th century: geography and demography. The talk will survey the changes in these two dimensions and will claim that the geographical issue has long been resolved and is irrelevant and the main issue in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is demographic.

Der Vortrag (Audio)

Die Diskussion (Audio)

Ilan Pappé is currently Professor of History in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He is also the Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies and Co-Director for the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies. Previously, between 1984 and 2006, he taught at the Department of Middle Eastern History and the Department of Political Science in Haifa University, Israel.

Ilan Pappé has extensively researched and published on the modern Middle East and concretely in the history of Israel and Palestine, but he has also written on multiculturalism, critical discourse analysis and on power and knowledge in general. Among his works include: The Modern History Palestine, One Land, Two Peoples; The Modern Middle East; The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinian minority in Israel.

Die elektronische Zeitung Schattenblick hat einen Bericht über die Veranstaltung geschrieben und Interviews mit Ilan Pappe und Sonja Hegasy geführt:

BERICHT/088: Ilan Pappé – Zionismus zwischen Religion und Säkularismus

BERICHT/089: Ilan Pappé – Kein Frieden ohne Dekolonialisierung

INTERVIEW/105: Ilan Pappé – Historiker und Aktivist im Nahostkonflikt

INTERVIEW/104: Sonja Hegasy, Vizedirektorin des Zentrums Moderner Orient (ZMO)