Protest Against Israeli Apartheid: Not at Universities?

Am 21. März waren die Aktivist*innen Majed, Stavit und Ronnie – auch bekannt als #Humboldt3 – an der Universität Bern zu Besuch. Es ging um die Unterdrückung von Protest gegen die israelische Apartheid an Universitäten.

Ironischerweise wollte die Unileitung für die Veranstaltung zuerst keinen Raum zur Verfügung stellen – mehr dazu:https://www.studizytig.ch/netzklusiv/ein-ort-der-debatte/

#Humboldt3 at the university of Bern, March 21, 2019 as part of the international Israeli Apartheid Week (http://apartheidweek.org/) In June 2017 the Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian activists Stavit, Majed and Ronnie interrupted the speech of the Israeli parliamentarian Aliza Lavie at the Humboldt University in Berlin and confronted her with her co-responsibility for the war crimes in Gaza and for Israel’s apartheid regime. The non-violent protest action will be tried in court in March 2019. The three activists talk about the consequences of their case and about the attempts to criminalise their commitment to the Palestinian rights.